Saturday, 31 March 2007


The word Pagan comes from latin paganus [inhabitant of a village in the country] and means peoples who are followers of the old nature beliefs, that are not contaminated by the judeo-christianity or other religions.

The word Heathen is an old germanic word haitio, that means not Christian or Jewish. Heathen and pagan have circa the same meaning. Both words are used to consider followers of the old folk beliefs.

Slavic peoples prefer use the word Heathen, because Pagan is used as an insult in their language.

Paganism is not a religion! Paganism has no dogmas and doesn't prescribe the people what they should do and what not.

Paganism is not monotheistic! We dont worship the God of Abraham or one single god. We believe in our old Gods.

Paganism is worship and respect of nature! We know the Nature is our mother and keep us alive.

Paganism doesn't prescribe nobody in what he have to believe! We believe simply in the faith of our ancestors - if Asatru, Celtic, Slavic, Roman or Greek Heathen is not important.

It's important to know the sagas and legends of our country and of the place where we live. Also the Heathen Mythology is important to know, to help us to understand and to feel more beattached to this belief, and so also to our country and race.

We don't believe in good and evil, because one cannot exist without the other. Every thing has good and at the same time evil sides. There is no shadow without light and vice versa.

The Aryan Race doesn't exist to be Christian or Jewish. All this scum contaminated our Europe and our society. Our pagan forefathers had surely have a more simple and hard, but much more lucky life.

WPBM is Heathen Pride!
WPBM is war against judeo-christianity!

Sunday, 25 March 2007

The Aryan Race

The word "Aryan", from Sanskrit ārya , means "noble". Aryans are also known als Indo-Europeans or White Caucasians (because the Proto-Europeans originated in the Russian steppes near the Caucasus Mountains). To the Aryan Race belong the Romans, the Celts, the Germans, the Greeks, the Balts and the Slavs. Aryans are white on the contrary of Africans, Semites and Asians. The eyecolor varies from blue to brown, like the haircolor, that varies from blond to brown: The Aryan Race is the only one that show so much variety. And at last but not least, the people who belong to the Aryan Race are the most beautiful.

Two Aryan girls. (Prussian Blue)

Somebody thinks that the Aryans have theyr origins by the Gods. Other think that Aryans come from Atlantis. Or Thule. Or Hyperborea.

Atlantis ?

Where we come from really? Are we really normal humans like Semites or Niggers? I dont think. It must have a deeper sense if we are called "the noble"...

"The ancient empires fall, the dark-skinned peoples fade and even the demons of antiquity gasp their last, but over all stands the Aryan barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the supreme fighting man of the earth"
[Robert E. Howard]

WPBM is Aryan Supremacy!
WPBM is White Pride!

Monday, 19 March 2007


21 March 2007 00:07
A new year is beginning! The spring equinox will be in 2 days. It's one of the most important days of the year. Don't forget to hail the Gods and worship Mother Nature!
Keep on hold our pagan faith!
WPBM is respect of nature!

Saturday, 17 March 2007


WPBM is aryan supremacy and heathen pride.
WPBM is against judeo-christianity.
WPBM is war against the enemy!